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This weekend I had the opportunity to do a canoe race. I did it with my cousin Jr. in a two man canoe from Hanamanu to Kahului harbor. Approximately 25 mi. I rediscovered one of my own best known secrets. Breath. Quite a simple fact. We all need air, we all breathe naturally. Only this race just reminded me how important that simple fact is. All the technique in the world won’t mean a thing if you don’t feed your muscles oxygen. One of the best tips I will ever share with you is this, the harder you work, the more you must breathe. Let’s say we give the work you do a scale of one to ten, and the breathing too. If you are working at a level of 8, you must breathe at a level of 8. You cannot work at 9 and breathe at 6. You won’t last. So today’s tip is simple and short.